Author: Truck Driver Rights

Understanding Semi-Truck Accidents and Prevention

Semi-trucks were involved in 53% of fatal crashes involving large trucks, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). This is a 14% increase from 2018. Semi-truck accidents can have devastating consequences, posing significant risks to drivers and other road users. Understanding the common causes behind these accidents is crucial for developing strategies to […]

hazards of truck driving

Occupational Hazards of Truck Driving: What You Need To Know

About 80% of Americans rely on truck drivers to transport daily packages. Unfortunately, the increasing demand for the trucking industry also increases the risk of injuries and death among truck drivers. 15% of truck occupants died in large truck crashes in 2020, and this was a higher percentage compared to 2009. Truck drivers are responsible for transporting and delivering […]

what it's like to be a truck driver

The Ins and Outs of Being a Truck Driver

Before the invention of the first car, people relied on horse-drawn wagons to carry people and goods from point A to point B. Back then, a long trip could take up to six months — today, the same trip would last a maximum of three days! As time passed and technology advanced, so did our […]

winter driving tips for truckers

12 Winter Driving Tips for Truck Drivers

More than 70% of the USA’s roads are in snowy regions, and 24% of weather-related vehicle accidents happen on snowy, icy, or slushy roads. Freezing temperatures and winter blizzards make road navigation a challenge, especially for truck drivers. You must stay cautious when driving and reduce the risk of an accident. Fortunately, there are many […]

poorly managed trucking companies

Truck Driver Complaints and Signs of Badly Managed Trucking Companies

In 2019, 37.9 million trucks were registered and used for business purposes, accounting for 23.9% of all trucks registered. As a result, truck drivers can take their pick from numerous quality trucking businesses. However, truck driving companies and employees often share their complaints about the industry and how business is handled. Read on to learn […]

Understanding DOT’s Hours of Service

Being a truck driver entails long working hours and a rather solitary environment. The position of a truck driver is most often attractive to introverted, motivated, and independent individuals. According to the most recent statistics, in 2020, there was a total of 3.36 million truck drivers in the States. Most truck drivers in the US […]

Protecting CDL for Truckers

Trucker Must-Knows to Protect Your Commercial Driver’s License

You depend on your commercial driver’s license (CDL) as a truck driver. If it gets revoked, you won’t be able to work, putting your finances in danger. To prevent this, you need to drive safely, of course. However, there are a few scenarios where you may lose your CDL even if you did nothing wrong. […]

truck driver wage and safety

Wages and Safety: Challenges Faced by Truck Drivers

Truck drivers are an essential part of the American economy, but they have been poorly compensated and forced to work dangerous hours for years. This has resulted in a national truck driver shortage nationwide that continues to worsen. Los Angeles has been particularly hit heavily. Truckers need a voice to represent them in negotiations with […]

truck driver fatigue

How to Combat Truck Driver Fatigue

Research has shown conclusively that truck drivers endure fatigue regularly, with approximately 27.5% of them suffering from insomnia. Others report getting an average of fewer than 5 hours of sleep at night. This leads to an increased likelihood of drowsy driving and accidents. If fatigue was found to be the cause of a truck accident, […]

trucker injuries sustained in accidents

Common Injuries Sustained in Large Truck Accidents

According to the National Security Council, approximately 5,005 large trucks were involved in fatal accidents in 2019. Both commercial and non-commercial trucks were counted in this number. Around 118,000 large truck accidents caused injury to at least one person. Truck Driver Rights has been protecting truck drivers across America for years, providing legal services to […]